2020 has brought its fair share of challenges. Our original plan was to open a 2,500+ sq. ft. training facility where we could share our training philosophy and coaching enthusiasm with the Brentwood community and its surrounding neighbors. But 2020 had other plans. After careful consideration and an appreciation for offering safe, inclusive training, we've decided to open Train Smarter and Harder at our home. We've invested to renovate roughly 300 sq. ft. of our home, making it one of the cleanest and most progressive training spaces in Contra Costa County. Instead of waiting for a Coronavirus vaccine, which will give people the confidence to train in a group setting once again, we're shifting our business plan so we can begin training individuals and small groups of family, friends, and teammates immediately. We want you to start training again, and we want to be able to offer you an ultra-clean, safe space to do it.
We offer strength and conditioning for athletes and adults of all levels in a structured environment so you can build confidence, play (and live) to your highest potential, and move without pain.