Traditional Chen Taiji School, led by Master Chin King-Loon, is a renowned branch school of the Chen Qingchou Martial Arts Association, offering Chen style Tai Chi classes in various locations across the Bay Area, including San Francisco, Palo Alto, and San Jose. With its origins in the birthplace of tai-chi, Chen style Tai Chi is recognized as the oldest and most foundational style, combining soft and hard movements in a balanced and natural way, making it a popular choice for practitioners of all ages and fitness levels.
Practicing Chen style Tai Chi provides numerous health benefits, including improved fitness, weight loss, and relaxation. The school aims to share the ancient Chinese martial arts form with the public, allowing them to experience both the health and martial art aspects of Chen Tai Chi. With a welcoming and inclusive environment, practitioners of all physical abilities can learn and practice Taiji at their own pace.
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