I decided to become an acupuncturist and alternative healthcare provider after the profoundly positive impact these had on my own health and quality of life. Working long stressful hours at a desk with little exercise or self-care left me with severe back pain. I had an incredibly powerful experience treating this pain with acupuncture and better lifestyle habits. So much so that I decided to dedicate my life to helping others with their own health and healing paths.
My practice is focused on autoimmune, sleep, and digestive disorders, as well as mental/emotional disorders like anxiety and depression. I also work with people suffering from musculoskeletal pain conditions, and men's health issues. Anyone that wants to work on healing naturally can benefit from Chinese medicine treatment. A large part of my work is around diet and lifestyle modifications. Developing healthy eating and activity habits are crucial to the long-term success of treatment. I really try to work with and inspire people to make these changes, and identify any blocks that might be sabotaging their progress. Chinese herbal medicine is also a strong area of focus in my practice. The combination of acupuncture with an herbal formula that the patient takes twice daily at home is significantly more effective than just weekly acupuncture.