Since 2002 Time For Change Foundation (TFCF) has been dedicated to helping homeless women and children achieve self-sufficiency by using an array of evidenced-based practices coupled with a strength-based approach to address their needs. Our programs and supportive services help to assist families and individuals with the skills necessary to recover from the effects of homelessness, addiction, incarceration, mental and physical abuse. Homeless children are given special attention, as we provide interventions that will set them up for positive educational outcomes. Our early childhood development center located within the shelter provides easy access to computers, books, interactive learning modules, and hands-on Mommy & Me activities. We acknowledge it's our role to help break the intergenerational cycles of homelessness and neglect in the lives of these precious children.
The mission of TFCF is to empower disenfranchised low income individuals and families by building leadership through evidence-based programs and housing to create self-sufficiency and thriving communities. Time for Change Foundation is the model of excellence in the Inland Empire for empowering disenfranchised families transitioning from homelessness and recidivism. Our organization is focused on serving homeless families recovering from the effects of substance abuse, incarceration, and mental health issues. Our humble beginnings included one shelter with six beds. Today, we offer three types of housing: emergency shelter, permanent supportive, and affordable. Because of the lack of decent, affordable housing in San Bernardino, we developed our own 7-unit affordable housing apartment complex and have 10 scattered site apartments bringing our total housing capacity to 114 annually. TFCF programs and supportive services help to provide women and children with the tools necessary to recover from homelessness, drug addiction, mental and physical abuse, family separation and the effects of incarceration.