We incorporate advanced acupuncture techniques in a myriad of ways, using anatomical precision to break into taut bands of muscle where aching trigger points form, to help painlessly disperse their contracted state. Utilizing these methods, we restore structure and function, reduce pain and spasms, and break adhesions of scar tissue formation at the sites of old injuries. Our modern techniques include modalities such as dry needling with e-stim, soft tissue manual therapy, heated or iced ancillary trigger point release devices, and lymphatic drainage devices. Our techniques have been proven to be most effective for pain, neuropathy, and the remodeling and recovery phase. Messages will only be received directly from website.
Visit our website for more information, and find insurance coverage information or pricing. You can email us to correspond or set up an appointment, please click on the contact tab on our main website. We have limited availability every month for new patients, there is no guarantee we will have space or openings. Due to the volume of robo-calls and solicitors, we only answer messages from our contact form on our webpage. Make sure to see all our reviews by continuing to read the