The laidback beach vibe disappears as soon as the music starts pumping and you prepare your body for an intense, muscle quivering, shirt-drenching workout. This is a total-body program that melds together elements of Pilates, cardio and strength training activity to create a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind exercise program with no impact on your joints. We specialize in the Lagree method! Our state of the art Megaformers provide constant resistance and infinitely more exercise options than a traditional reformer; it allows the body to shift quickly and smoothly from one exercise to another to increase heart rate and get the blood pumping. The Megaformer attacks each muscle in a very concentrated manner to sculpt strong, powerful and lean bodies in a safe and measured way amongst a warm and inviting community of like-minded people. 50 moves in 50 minutes - 3 times a week! Fantastic, Efficient, Fun! Located steps away from the ocean, The Studio (MDR) brings the intensity of the Lagree Method workout to Los Angeles' westside.