The Shea Center, located in San Juan Capistrano, CA, is a renowned nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities through therapeutic horse-related programs. With a history dating back to 1978, the center offers a wide range of services including physical, occupational, and speech therapies, as well as therapeutic riding. Accredited at the premier level by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International, The Shea Center is internationally recognized for its exceptional therapeutic equestrian programs and serves as a training facility for interns and students from around the world.
Committed to making a difference, The Shea Center provides a nurturing environment where individuals with disabilities can benefit from the healing power of horses. Through their innovative programs, they aim to enhance physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities, ultimately empowering their clients to lead more fulfilling lives. With a strong focus on inclusivity and compassion, The Shea Center continues to be a beacon of hope and support for individuals with disabilities and their families.
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