The Healing Journey became a wellness center in June 2011, when owner Kathy Lorenz expanded her therapeutic practices based in CranioSacral Therapy and Acupressure to offer SuperSlow-style Strength Training and wellness classes, including Tai Chi, Feldenkrais Movement, Yoga, Classic Chinese Five Elements classes, and Meditation, plus additional specialty classes.
*Therapeutic Bodywork - CranioSacral Therapy, Acupressure, Lymph Drainage, Reiki and BodyTalk for your healing and well being. Advanced certified therapist and owner Kathy Lorenz, CST-D, CMT, has been in practice for over 15 years in Pleasanton. *Strength Training - ZenStrength (SuperSlow-style) one-to-one program to efficiently build your muscle strength, core fitness, stamina and metabolic rate. Regular sessions are by appointment only. *Tai Chi Programs - Traditional Sun style and Yang style forms modified for easy-to-learn mind/body practice to improve and prevent Arthritis and Diabetes, and add to your enjoyment of life! These forms have been developed by tai chi experts and doctors, and are practiced by people of all ages worldwide. Weekly classes are offered. *There are specialty class offerings by experts in their fields, such as - Feldenkrais Movement, Therapeutic Yoga, Self-Defense Awareness, and Chinese Five Elements Theory. This is your Community Wellness Center!