Our story begins 30 years ago when Ken and his father Don Bowen teamed up to form The Bowen Team. Don Bowen's legendary reputation of honesty, integrity, professionalism, and accessibility are the values The Bowen Team was founded on. We continue to honor Don's legacy by growing the company with those same values. We are passionate about going above & beyond for our clients and believe that's why we consistently rank among the top agents nationwide. You, our clients and friends, are the reason we love this business. From the minute you walk through our door, you become a part of our family. We are proud of our dynamic team. Our mix of family members and exceptional agents are always here for you whenever you need us. Together we provide remarkable resources, endless energy, creative ideas, innovative technology and extraordinary service. We specialize in Coto, coastal communities and the surrounding areas because this is where we live. This is the community that we love and we know that we are selling more than a home. We are selling you a lifestyle. We look forward to doing everything we can to meet and exceed your real estate expectations. We don't just say this. We act it out with every transaction. Read the letters from our clients. We are here for you everyday, through the close of escrow and beyond, as long as you need us. We look forward to sharing our more than 60 years of real estate experience with you.