With an extensive background in martial arts and physical fitness. Paul start by teach for 24 hour fitness. Witha strong following as orange county's #1 cardio kick boxing Istructor, Paul opened The Body Warehouse in 2000 providing kick boxing classes and personal training. In 2003 we added boot camps. With a commitment to always provide the best training to his clients, in 2005 Paul became the 1st certified Kettlebell trainer in Orange county. Paul continues to be one of the best pushing his clients to find their limits and be accept nothing less than their best.
As a RKC Team Leader, Paul is the most knowledgeble and experienced Kettlebell Instructor in Orange county. We specialize in all aspects of sport performance training, personal and nutritional training for fitness and weight loss and more. We ofter Orange counties only Kettlebell Bootcamp. This is an unbeatable workout Functional Movement Screening One on one Kettlebell Training - The best Cardio kick-boxing class in all Orange County One on one persona training for fitness, rehabilitation and weight loss