Dr. Kathleen Tavarez specializes in orthodontics. She practices both in San Carlos at the Drake Medical/ Dental complex, as well as at her new practice in Menlo Park.
Tavarez is a member of many organizations, including the San Mateo County Dental Society, California State Society of Orthodontists, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, American Association of Orthodontists, as well as the California Dental Association and American Dental Association and she is also an Invisalign Premier Provider.
This range of membership allows Dr. Tavarez to offer the best possible care in orthodontia. She and her staff are committed to making the experience as pleasant as possible. They strive to make the patients comfortable, in a profession that can often be viewed as uncomfortable. The staff practices on adults and children and aims to bring out everyone's best smile. The practice continuously stays abreast of the latest technologies and the entire staff is certified and committed to bringing their patients the best care.
Dr Tavarez and her staff are "creating beautiful smiles through orthodontic excellence." Visit the Web site to get a thorough idea of everything that Dr. Tavarez offers and check out the kid-friendly "fun zone" that includes games!