After several years of studying martial arts like Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiujitsu, and Judo, Superfitunlimited's Head instructor, Christopher Mann went on to learn Bodybuilding and Conditioning for MMA with a certification under NESTA's MMACA program. Now currently working with M3 Fight & Fitness as the head MMA conditioning instructor as well as the primary personal trainer for Superfitunlimited.
Superfitunlimited specializes in Personal training for Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). MMA is for EVERYONE! If you want to be a fighter, or just train like one, we'll help you reach your specific goals. Learn the same techniques the pros use, minus the black eye, with Muay Thai kickboxing, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Boxing, Judo as well the strength and conditioning to get you into the greatest shape of your life! So Why Wait!? Change your life starting TODAY! Mention Yelp and we'll add an additional 3 Private lessons at time of enrollment.