Since 2006 the Superbike-Coach coached groups and individuals in Europe and the United States We offer programs for street as well as track riders of all levels and motorcycle categories. We are teaching MotoGP riding techniques to street riders. Our advanced motorcycle riding school is located in California, where we teach MotoGP riding techniques. Are you stuck but you don't know why? Do you want more confidence and control? Can Akkaya, owner of the Superbike-Coach Corp, has spent a lifetime mastering the MotoGP riding techniques which can teach you correct ways to ride better, safer, and faster while avoiding costly and painful mistakes. This wide range of riding programs is designed to help every motorcyclist.
Superbike-Coach is a highly reviewed advanced motorcycle riding school in California We teach street and track riders of all ages and levels in our popular programs on a small race track, because rider training on a parking lot isn't really efficient. Superbike Coach makes better riders with better programs: Cornering School Days 1-4 - For street and track riders on a small race track without extra track fees Road Skill 1-on-1 coaching - For street riders of all ages, levels, and categories Motorcycle Track Days at Thunderhill Raceway - For all riders of all ages, levels and bike types Wheelie Course - For street and track riders, and racers of all ages Knee Down - For street and track riders, and racers of all ages Motorcycle Tours - We guide you on individually selected roads Track Drill 1-on-1 coaching - For all riders and racers of all ages and levels Supermotard 1-on-1 - For street and track riders, and racers of all ages Laguna Seca specials - For everyone who dreams about the Corkscrew We operate mainly in Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area, but our motorcycle tours are nationwide. Can Akkaya and his Superbike-Coach Corp are also the official rider trainer for the Beale United States Air Force base.