Acupuncture Continuum, located in Encinitas, CA, is a trusted and established acupuncture clinic that has been serving the San Diego and Encinitas communities since 1996. Led by licensed acupuncturist Karen Sulger, the clinic offers a wide range of acupuncture treatments for men, women, and families, providing relief for chronic and acute pain, injuries, gynecological and hormonal issues, internal problems, and even infertility. With a focus on natural health-care, Acupuncture Continuum utilizes all aspects of Oriental Medicine, including Chinese herbs, to provide excellent and personalized care to their clients.
Under the expertise of Karen Sulger, who holds a Masters in Oriental Medicine and specializes in Women's Health Concerns, Pain Management, and Facial Rejuvenation, Acupuncture Continuum is dedicated to helping individuals find relief from pain, injuries, and untreatable chronic conditions. With a relaxed atmosphere and a friendly and experienced staff, the clinic offers noninvasive and affordable acupuncture treatments that often yield positive results within just a few sessions. As one of the largest Chinese herbal apothecaries in San Diego County, Acupuncture Continuum also provides custom-blended Chinese herbs tailored to each client's specific needs. With a commitment to natural health-care and a track record of success, Acupuncture Continuum is a trusted choice for acupuncture in the Encinitas area.
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