After teaching in the field of special education for 47 years I branched out of public education to become a educational entrepreneur in 1999, beginning my own business. I have been a literacy specialist who created a comprehensive literacy program that teaches children and adults to read proficiently in 14 days or less. I studied 5 researchers in graduate university to create The You Read program. My business began after I taught a 4th grader and 2 of his friends to read. The child's grandfather wanted more children to benefit from my approach to reading and helped me establish my nonprofit corporation for literacy.
Specializing in teaching children and adults with Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Children and adults who need a different approach to reading will benefit from this special You Read program. Children and adults achieve reading proficiency in 14 days or less. Adults with reading challenges also achieve life long reading skills.