Stars N Stripes is a trademark of KYMCO. The KYMCO (Kwang Yang Motor Company) brand was established in 1963 by the Honda Motor Company. In KYMCO's over 50 years history we have collected several accolades and become the fifth largest scooter manufacturer in the world. KYMCO employs over 3,000 people and sells more than 1,000,000 vehicles in over 90 countries worldwide. KYMCO manufactures engines for both BMW and Kawasaki. Since its start, KYMCO has shown a passion for their Research & Development team. KYMCO is dedicated to developing products that will perform according to the changing demands of today's lifestyles. KYMCO only provides the finest power-driven products and technical service. They aim to fufill its responsibility to society and continue to make progress in the future.
Stars N Stripes Scooters is a full subsidiary of KYMCO. KYMCO's mobility scooters have won over users in the UK, Germany, Italy, France and Finland since 2008. KYMCO is a $1 billion dollar renowned manufacturer of motorcycles, scooters, ATVs and now top-of-the-line four-wheel luxury scooters. These scooters have already established their ranking as the highest performing mobility scooters in the business, and now function meets style. Stars N Stripes Scooters has devoted vast resources to customize our product to maximize the needs of our American clientele.