Driving up Baldwin Avenue, you will come across a number of religious educational institutions. On your right you'll see the rather massive St. Rita's Catholic Church, which is attached to the St. Rita's School.
Holding over 300 students, from kindergarten through 8th grade, St. Rita's focuses on faith-based education for students with Catholic parents. The lesson-plans are a combination of the teachings of The Bible, Jesus Christ and subjects like history and math.
Students are intended to learn to survive in a "diverse and globally competitive environment."
The school's mission statement, which can be found on their website along with a statement of their philosophy, states the following:
"The mission of Saint Rita Catholic School is three-fold: to assist and to enable parents to fulfill their roles as the primary educators of their children, to inspire our students to grow and develop as Catholic citizens and to provide a liberal arts education which will challenge each student to become responsible citizens educated to the needs of self and society."