SparkleBlob is a unique and enchanting puppet show experience located in Los Angeles, CA. With their Annual Holiday Puppet Show and other special events, they offer a world of joy and wonder for all ages, featuring captivating puppet performances, live music, and a diverse cast of LGBTQ and BIPOC allies. Attendees can also enjoy a souvenir shop, concessions stand, and the option to visit the nearby Broadwater Plunge Bar for a little extra festive cheer.
Known for their strange and fantastic productions, SparkleBlob creates memories that last a lifetime, celebrating the magic of the solstice and spreading the word through their #SparkleBlobPuppetMagic campaign. Whether you're a fan of puppets or simply looking for a quality distraction from the outside world, SparkleBlob guarantees a delightful and unforgettable experience that will leave you wanting more.
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