Spa Josephine offers an extensive list of services including beach massages in a private cabana, facials, body treatments, waxing, sugar-based spray tanning, private-room spa treatments, raindrop therapy, skin supplements, permanent make-up, spa packages, men's eyebrow/ear grooming and a men's facial that includes a shave. This exclusive spa carries the JoJo Brooks Anti-Aging Skincare line that was created by Josephine Becerril-Brooks who also founded Spa Josephine. Menwe de Mille Serum, JoJo Brooks carrot cream, facial scrubs and skin tightening masques are some of the products in the JoJo Brooks skin care line. Microdermabrasion and face peels are available and performed by a licensed esthetician. Manicures and pedicures are also available.