Sierra Soaring Club, nestled in the picturesque town of Inyokern, CA, offers thrilling glider rides amidst the stunning backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. With flights available on weekends and holidays, this club welcomes visitors to witness the exhilarating experience of soaring through the skies. Choose from a range of scenic rides, including Owens Peak, 5 Fingers, or the Airport Pattern, each offering a unique perspective of the breathtaking landscape.
For those seeking a deeper connection with the sport, Sierra Soaring Club invites enthusiasts to become members and learn to fly sailplanes alongside experienced pilots. With a passion for soaring, this club provides an opportunity to explore the world of gliding and discover the joy of soaring through the air. To learn more about this thrilling sport, visit the Soaring Society of America. Get in touch with Sierra Soaring Club today to embark on an unforgettable adventure in the skies.
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