I myself have benefited from acupuncture and Chinese herbs for my own health problems and wellness. By using acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, I have greatly helped my husband with managing his neck pain and my daughter with allergies and asthma. I have decided to devote my time and my expertise on helping people get well. By doing it, I have continued my Yang family tradition of healing people.
Using acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for pain management (headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, hand pain, low back pain, leg pain, foot pain, sciatica, tendonitis, arthritis, and so on.); women's health (infertility, PMS, painful menstruation, irregular menses, menopausal discomfort, menopausal insomnia, and so on); maintaining general physical health and wellness (allergies, immune system deficiency, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, high blood pressure, sleep problem, diet, dietary supplements, food as medicine consultation, breathing exercises, Tai Chi, etc.); improving mental health and wellness (insomnia, obesity, drug/alcohol/smoking addiction, anxiety, depression, etc.)