I was a home health nurse for twenty years. I was introduced to the complexities of health insurance as a nurse case manager. I discovered that most people don't understand their insurance benefits until tragedy strikes. I began to recognize a pattern when searching for new patients' homes, the nicest house on the block with the tallest grass. I cannot count the number of times I have drawn blood or changed a bandage with a flashlight under my arm because the lights were off. After all, you are off of work with the same monthly obligations and the added cost of copays and deductibles. I am on a mission to advise and direct my clients to adeptly avoid the perils of misinformation with the power of education. For fifteen years I have orchestrated insurance solutions for companies and families that are pitch perfect!. My clients reap the benefits of my vigilant, unwavering guidance and support from accessing care to assistance with grievances and appeals.
Insurance for your lifestyle from birth through retirement. I orchestrate insurance educations so that my clients understand ALL of their options making it easier to choose plans that fit your personal needs . I was a home health nurse and case manager for twenty years. I had five major surgeries between 2009 and 2010. I have sold employee and individual health since 2003. I understand insurance from the provider, patient and broker perspectives. My unique experiences work to illustrate full circle scenarios. You will understand what to expect. No surprises. For employer groups, I will illustrate your tax advantages for your company while keeping in mind your employees and their family needs. I am a Covered CA Certified Insurance Agent for SHOP and individuals.