Founded in 1968 by renowned artist Ruth Asawa, the San Francisco Arts Education Project provides hands-on arts experiences for children in public schools guided by professional artists. Ruth Asawa's inventive idea is as relevant now as it was more than four decades ago. The original three-part mission? - Teach students new skills -- from cognitive development to physical dexterity -- as original performance and visual artwork is created. - Infuse public education with arts experiences through participatory learning. - Make, at every economic level, the arts accessible to school age San Francisco kids.
Founded in 1968 by Ruth Asawa, SFArtsED provides hands-on arts education in San Francisco public schools taught by professional artsits. SFArtsED also runs arts-based after-school programs, including a musical theater troupe called the SFArtsED Players (for ages 9-14) and a visual arts intensive called SFArtsED Art & Design for middle school students. An arts summer camp, SFArtsED Summer, was established in 1995 and serves children ages 6 to 14 for three two-week sessions each summer.