Serving Up Comedy is a standup comedy venue located in Marina Del Rey, CA, offering a new lineup of fresh comedians each month, followed by an open mic session. The purpose of the venue is to provide laughter and a sense of communal connection, while also encouraging audience members to contribute to a specific cause featured each month. The main show starts at 7pm, featuring an emcee, three comedians, a featured performer, and a headliner, followed by open mic where audience members can take the stage for up to 5 minutes.
Since its establishment in 2009, Serving Up Comedy has been a popular destination for comedy enthusiasts, with shows taking place every 2nd Tuesday of each month. The venue, previously known as Comics on the Spot, has evolved over the years, adding open mic sessions and adjusting show times. The Warehouse Restaurant, where the comedy shows are held, offers a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, serving drinks, appetizers, and dinner. Whether you're a seasoned comedian or trying standup for the first time, Serving Up Comedy welcomes you to share some laughs and enjoy a night of entertainment.
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