A private practice in Santa Cruz, CA providing comprehensive massage and bodywork services, committed to facilitating health and healing for the Whole Body.
Call today to request a complimentary Transform-Your-Pain Jumpstart Session! Free 30 minute massage if you qualify! I help people with tight muscles and bad habits of movement (which contribute to pain and injury) transform their pain and increase their flexibility and endurance. I loosen and relieve tight muscles, and also release the bad body habits that led to the problems in the first place! This reduces the risk of re-injury and further pain, while facilitating a return to natural ease and power. My specialties are Swedish Massage, Internal Organ Massage, and Transformational Neuro-Muscular Therapy (TNMT). TNMT is deep tissue massage that breaks up adhesions in tight muscles and resets muscle memory in the nervous system. This facilitates the body