With 24 years in the beauty industry and extensive training in camouflage work. Christina founded SDMA because she is passionate about helping individuals regain features lost to an illness, injury or accident with medical tattooing and permanent cosmetic services. Her extensive training in camouflage scar and areola pigmentation for breast cancer patients has allowed her the opportunity to help men and women regain self confidence. Utilizing the hand method a natural look for scar work and hair simulation. The hand method is gentle, less invasive and offers a precise natural application. The goal is to provide the highest quality medical and permanent make-up available today.
Permanent Makeup Services Eyebrow hair simulation Eyeliner Lips Beauty Marks Medical Tattoo Services Scar Camouflage Areola Pigmentation Breast Scars Vitiligo For More Info Visit: www.permanentmakeupsd.com