Because there is no mail delivery in Sunset Beach, folks need to pick up their mail either at the post office or at Salt Water Licks. For well over 20 years, there has been a mailbox store in Sunset Beach. Six years ago, Dawn left the corporate world with dreams of a sunny retirement at the beach, and thought she'd open a cute little boutique focused on dogs and cats. Well, things didn't work out exactly the way she planned....she was already renting to a long time resident, who owned the Sunset Beach Mail store. He didn't want to move, so they shared the store for a couple of years and then he moved away to Lodi after selling her the assetts of his business. So her cute little boutique never exactly happened, instead an adorable little gift & general store with mailboxes & uhaul rentals was born. Dawn and her family run the store, and they are still having fun. Stop by, catch a sunset from the porch and enjoy the peace of Salt Water Licks in Sunset Beach.
The friendliest small store you will ever enter. Kind of a tiny little general store at the beach. Get your Mail (we have po boxes), rent a U-Haul, copy some stuff, pick up some dog treats and a gift or two, and don't forget to grab some of Millicent's wonderful preserves. Always unique and artisans gifts available. On your second visit, we'll recognize you and greet you by name. Lots of locals have their mail delivered here, we accept their packages and forward their mail when they are traveling. We also recieve mail for folks from as far away as Oman, France and Switzerland.