Tomaj Trenda (MA Dance) has been a professional dancer for 25 years and has served on the dance faculy of 3 Universities. He discovered the joy of salsa music and dancing in 1989, and has been committed to spreading the passion and love of this art form ever since. He started teaching in the Bay Area in 2000, and has become one of the most recommended and popular teachers in the entire area. He regularly teaches and performs at national and international Salsa Congresses, and takes his students to various events around the world to dance salsa. His passion is teaching - the ART of teaching dance. He is a dedicated and disciplined teacher who knows how to bring out the fun, joy and passion inherent in everyone. He produced on the best selling Salsa Instructional DVD's. It's a 6 DVD set and can be purchased on line at : www.SalsawithTomaj.com Come, check out our classes and see for yourself! For more information, feel free to contact Tomaj at 415-505-3536.
We teach people how to have FUN and look GREAT on the dance floor, specializing in Club-Style Salsa. We offer Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced level classes for dancers of ALL LEVELS. No experience necessary, and NO PARTNER REQUIRED Our classes are PACKED, lively and FUN. You'll meet tons of new people, get some great exercise, and learn the hottest new salsa dance moves. You can't spend a more enjoyable evening. 4 EAST BAY locations to choose from: Emeryville, Orinda, San Ramon & Hayward. Drop-in for $15, or take a series of classes at 30% OFF See all the details at www.SalsawithTomaj.com Be sure to check the Special Offer for Yelpers!