Dr. Sahar Lashin is presently practicing medicine in Newport antiaging and Integrative Medicine at drsaharlashin.com and newportplastic.com | BodyLogic MD. Dr. Lashin received her medical degree in 1992 from the Cairo University. Followed by Master's degree and a Doctorate in Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Endemic Medicine, Tropical Medicine, Interventional Endoscopy and Interventional Abdominal Ultrasound. She served as Associate Professor of Medicine at Cairo University for 14 years. Dr Lashin completed her Internal Medicine residency at the Sinai Grace Hospital, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Is Board certification in Internal Medicine. Worked as a Lead physician and Assistant clinical Professor in UCLA David Griffen School of Medicine for years before moving to her private clinic in Newport Beach Dr. Lashin is certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and the Swiss Biological Medicine Academy in Switzerland.
Dr. Sahar Lashin is practicing medicine in Newport Anti-aging and Integrative Medicine at drsaharlashin.com and newportplastic.com and BodyLogic MD. Sahar Lashin, MD, PhD, practices Internal medicine anti-aging, Hormonal replacement Therapy, Holistic, Swiss Biological and integrative medicine at Newport Anti-aging and Integrative medicine where she helps patients achieve a healthy young functional body Using customized wellness programs to address individualized patient's needs, Dr Lashin combines tailored evaluation, assessment, nutrition, supplement regimens, and stress reduction techniques