The Righteous Persons Foundation (RPF) is a philanthropic organization based in Santa Monica, CA, founded by renowned filmmaker Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw. With a mission to support and promote a meaningful and relevant Jewish community, RPF has made over $100 million in grants, primarily funded by Spielberg's profits from films such as Schindler's List, Munich, and Lincoln. For more than two decades, RPF has been dedicated to funding innovative approaches that inspire activism for social justice, promote art and storytelling, make Jewish history and tradition more accessible, and ensure the lessons of the Holocaust are not forgotten.
RPF has supported various projects and initiatives, including the establishment of the USC Shoah Foundation, which records and preserves the testimonies of Holocaust survivors and other genocides. Additionally, RPF has funded documentary films, such as Trembling Before G-d and Waltz with Bashir, that aim to create social change through storytelling. The foundation also focuses on revitalizing synagogues and supporting projects that bring people together across lines of difference. Through its grants and partnerships, RPF continues to make a significant impact in promoting a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community.
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