Rideable Bicycle Replicas is one of the most unique and fun businesses in town. Since 1987, Greg Barron, with the help of a few other craftsmen, has been producing antique replica rideable high wheelers utilizing materials and techniques used in the 19th century, when these alternative means of transportation were first introduced.
Preoccupied with the latest trends, technologies and speed, and overwhelmed with the cookie-cutter approach of mass-production, coming in contact with the Boneshaker (its trademark) and the Penny Farthings will make you stop, smile and feel good. One can remember seeing them in the circus or the movies: They are custom-crafted and used as both a fun ride and as a decoration.
The company produces also tandems, tricycles (even hand-cranked), four-wheel cycles, three-seat Courting cycles and Rikshaws (pedicabs). Making an appointment prior to your visit is advisable.