ReKon Productions is an award winning film, television and digital narrative production company based in Los Angeles. Founded in 2009, the company was established by independent producer Jon Michael Kondrath as a production services company seeking to provide experienced and skilled producing to projects. Over the last five years, ReKon Productions has grown to include a team of passionate producers and expanded to directing and producing original content. ReKon Productions has produced feature films, television programs, commercials, and digital narratives from webseries to brand content. In 2014, ReKon Productions opened the doors to ReKon Studio a 1200 sq. ft. sound proofed stage with support spaces. The company continues to grow and strive to provide a wide range of support to the Los Angeles production community.
ReKon Productions specializes in providing production services to feature films, commercials, music videos, and digital production teams. By offering experienced and qualified producers as well as additional production support staff to production teams, our company strives to ensure shows run smoothly from day to day shooting to pre-production and post-production. ReKon Productions also offers offers studio and equipment rentals. ReKon Studio is a 1200 sq. ft. sound proofed stage with 2 support spaces (HMU/ Wardrobe Rooms) and a green room. ReKon Studio is available on weekends, by booking in advance! Call now.