I have been in the massage business since 2003. We were formerly know as Ki Ssage Wellness Center . We have been in the same location but different suite number before we were IN suite # D now we are in # B .We take pride in doing out best in wellness massage and reiki treatment.
One Massage and One Aesthetician/Facial Rooms for Rent. Also Hiring Massage Therapists Part-Time. NEW Medicinal CBD Oil Massage. The CBD Massage has the capabilities of incouraging a speedier recovery from injuries and stressed connective tissues, improving sleep and reducing pain, inflammation, and anxiety in the muscles. It also helps reduce symtoms from skin-cancer. diabetes, neurodegenerative/mental disorders, and respiratory/heart issues. Reiki Sage Chakra Cleansing is a incense bath that promotes stress relief, energy balancing, and sleep disorders. The sage can also release negative emotions and boost your mood, help fight damage from chemical imbalances like chemotherapy, helps with brain fog, and with mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. $45 for 30 mins Reiki Treatment: $65 per hour // Yoga Breathing Meditation: $50 per 30 mins // Stretching Therapy: $50 per 30 mins // Throat Therapy: $40 per 30 mins // Spinal Treatment: $50 per 30 mins // Migraine Headache Therapy: $100 per 30 mins // Also holding Certification Reiki classes, please sign up at your earliest convenience by phone or email. Level one Attunement: $400. Level two Attunement: $600. Master Attunement: $800.