Legislative bodies, national, Social service center, Recreation center
McKinleyville Community Services District
In the late 1890's, Isaac Minor, a local businessman, began building businesses in what was called Dows Prairie. The businesses included a general store, a dance hall and a lodge. He built these to provide necessities for the gold miners and timber workers coming to the area. Settlers to the new town called it McKinleyville, in honor of President McKinley. In August of 1897, the townspeople dedicated the new town and renamed it Minorville to honor its founder. In 1901, President McKinley was assassinated while at the Pan-American Exposition. In honor of the slain president, Isaac Minor and the townsfolk agreed to change the name back to McKinleyville. It has remained that ever since. McKinleyville Community Services District was created on April 7, 1970 when McKinleyville's voters voted 589 "yes" votes against 151 "no" votes to form the District. Initially, the District had authority to serve water and treat sewer wastes. In 1972, the voters added street lighting powers, in 1985 the voters added recreational powers and in 1995 the voters authorized construction of McKinleyville Library The District boundary encompasses 12, 140 acres ranging from North Bank Road on the south to Patrick's Creek on the north. The District is an independent, special district governed by a five member Board of Directors elected by McKinleyville's voters. The Directors meet monthly on the third Wednesday of each month to set policy, consider projects and resolve disputes. The Board's directives are implemented by the District's 23 full-time and 42 part-time employees. The District office is located at 1656 Sutter Road, just east of Central Ave. MCSD is proud of its record of solving problems. The Board has summed up its philosophy by adopting the following Mission Statement: "Provide McKinleyville with safe, adequate and reliable utility, lighting, open space, parks and recreation, and library services in an environmentally and fiscally responsible manner."