Redondo Shores High School is the sole provider of continuation education for the Redondo Beach Unified School District. Continuation school is a high school diploma program for students, 16-18 years of age, whose needs are not met in the comprehensive high school setting. This alternative setting offers more flexibility where students benefit from smaller classes, shorter schedules, student-centered curriculum, increased counseling services, and individualized options for earning credits. Due to these differences, those young people who have not functioned well in a large, more traditional settings, often find themselves succeeding, earning credits, and developing feelings of self-worth, personal responsibility, and community identity. For students of Shores High School, there are a number of options. One can choose to graduate from Shores, return to their residence school, transition to an adult education diploma program, or study and pass the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) or the General Education Development Test (GED).