Recovery Happens Counseling Services, an outpatient alcohol and substance abuse treatment center, specializes in both adolescent and adult addiction counseling and treatment.
Telehealth Virtual IOP | In-person Treatment | Teen & Adult Addiction Rehab | VA Community Care Partner - TriWest In-network | Most Insurance Accepted. Our goals: Establish sobriety and psychosocial supports, coping strategies and facilitate relapse prevention. We treat the Whole Person with holistic addiction recovery programs. All Recovery Happens Counseling Services IOP and PHP rehab counselors are Conscious Recovery certified. We focus on identifying and resolving the underlying root causes that drive destructive patterns. Our whole person dual diagnosis treatment provides clear steps for letting go of core false beliefs that lead to addictive tendencies. Whether it is unresolved trauma, spiritual disconnection, or toxic shame - these challenges need to be addressed in order to achieve sobriety and permanent freedom from addiction.