In the early 1980's, Mike Raven was living in Charleston Oregon and had several Mastiff show dogs, he became interested in solving his own dogs skin condition, after spending over $2000 with various veterinary based treatments that didn't work, he developed his own solution! It wasn't until he moved to Southern California that he realized this same skin problem was considered to be an epidemic and Mike saw this as a possible business opportunity. He placed an ad in the local paper for dogs to take part in a test in order to gather statistics to see how effective his home remedy really was. The test results showed over 96% of the dogs treated had a complete recovery! Now with over 20,000 dogs helped successfully, he sells the product on the internet globally! (We have also worked with cats, horses, Alpacas, and a pair of Mongoose with great success!)
We manufacture and market a Hot Spot Control Kit for dogs (and other mammals) with skin problems known as Hot Spot Summer Itch, these skin conditions have many names such as; Seborrhea, Eczema, Lick Granulomas etc. We have a 95%+ success rate in our research tests and our test results are posted with photos on our website. Our product is guaranteed. And is sold ONLY online at www.ravenpetproducts.com.