Raina Teachings began about 16 years ago after I sought out spiritual healing for myself. Through a combination of spiritual practices, counselling and meditation, I uncovered a love of being in service to others through the avenues of trance channelling, clairvoyance, mediumship and psychic healing. I didn't expect to become a channel. I just needed the emotional pain I had to go away and stop haunting me. Instead, I discovered my gifts, healed lifelong patterns and was able to begin providing that for others. I am so grateful for my channelling and healing gifts. If I had not needed to help myself I would never have discovered my true path. You don't need to be a particularly spiritual person to work with me. Just be open to something slightly different than traditional therapy. Let me know what you are looking for and I will help you from that perspective.
I am a channel, healer and spiritual teacher. The specialties I provide in a private session are: Spiritual Counseling Channeled Readings and Healings Clairvoyant Mediumship Services Meditation & Spiritual Development Personal Development In-Person and Online Classes Large Online Class & Meditation Selection