The Hume Center's mission is to provide high quality, culturally sensitive, and comprehensive behavioral health care services and training. We strive to promote mental health, reduce disparities and psychological suffering, and strengthen communities and systems in collaboration with the people most involved in the lives of those we serve. We are committed to training behavioral health professionals to the highest standards of practice while working within a culture of support and mutual respect. Philosophy: The staff of The Hume Center believes: - In the inherent potential for ongoing growth and maturation of all people. - That psychological pain, dysfunction, and symptoms are teachers, signaling the arrest of our ability to be engaged in the fulfillment of life. - That with acceptance and the proper therapeutic support, provided in an atmosphere of respect and multicultural competence, people can heal, learn new ways to deal with difficulties, and lead satisfying lives.
Child and Youth Outpatient (Ages 0-21): Areas: Does not seek caregiver for comfort, Toileting difficulties, Difficult to sooth, Excessive, Crying, Tantrums, Excessive fears, Withdrawn, Easily frustrated, Attention issues, Hurts self/ hurts others, Sexualized behavior, Communication problems, Exposure to trauma (car accidents, dog bites, witnessing violence) **Medi-Cal Self-Referrals Welcome!