We strive to consistently push out High Quality Repairs, we source the best parts so that you can get it fixed right, the first time. We offer free Diagnostics, reach out to us for a quick quote. Majority of repairs are backed by a 30 day warranty.
Broken Device? We Can Help! Diagnostics and quotes are free! Majority of repairs are backed by a 30 day warranty. We fix screens, charging ports, docks, frames, replace batteries, home buttons, power buttons, volume buttons, cameras (front & back), speakers, firmware reset, unlock carries, installation of operating systems and google locks. If a phone is locked or broken we can check to see if it is blacklisted, icloud locked, and carrier locked at its current state for $1 (results may change later). This is a good service to see if it is worth investing in fixing that device. Water damaged phones may be fixable depending on the damage. If your phone gets water damaged it is best to fix it ASAP as prolonging repair will cause more corrosion as it is used. Putting it in rice doesn't do anything.