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Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, Ltd
Established in 1923, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, also known as UMTB, opened its Los Angeles branch in 1981 and has been serving the local business community, including the textiles, wholesale, consumer electronics, manufacturing, automobile and telecommunications sectors. It is a financial institution that specializes in the areas of long-term financing, property acquisitions, working capital, mergers, restructurings, fixed assets, management buyouts, commercial lending and real estate. The bank offers certificates of deposit and money market and interest bearing checking accounts. It additionally provides financing options for various commercial properties, including shopping centers, apartment buildings and warehouses. The bank offers wire transfer, document cancellation and Internet banking services. Mizrahi Tefahot Bank has a staff of more than 3,500 employees and operates over 100 branches worldwide, including Switzerland, Germany, England, Mexico and the United States.