Most everyone wants to see celebrities when they come to L.A., after all it is the show business capitol of the world. We know your time here is limited and we try to help pack in some of that for you, since we know where you want to be and where you don't want to waste your time. That is why you come to us, we know the most about them and how to find them, so we do our best to bring them to you. Your tour will include a variety of celeb worthy adventures, which is what you want. And the same sightseeing as the other tours show you. You will get to see where celebs frequent as well as places nobody knows about. We will also show you a few homes and scout out potential spots where they may be. More than likely, you'll run into one or more along your tour. You will get to see how the paparazzi work, first hand, up front and behind the scenes with LIVE action fun.