Sandy Barragan, founder and CEO, started this company as a hobby to make some extra money in college. In the early days, the only goal was to have fun, make some friends and support my non-academic pursuits. The venture into the world of real estate marketing was so successful she decided to pursue it full-time when she graduated college. The company has expanded far beyond the two person, closet sized office space it started in. Sandy is still very involved in the day to day operations but now has a full team of talented and passionate graphic designers, customer service reps, mail room personnel and project managers to provide for an ever expanding client base. The company's current goals are the same they were 20 years ago: always grow and enjoy going to work everyday.
One Step Services is a full service marketing company specializing in real estate marketing and small business marketing. We create custom business brands including logo design, color pallet creation, writing taglines, typography and overall look and style. We then translate that brand into business cards, postcards, signs, stationery, flyers, direct mail campaigns, etc. We print all the things we create and can mail them for you as well. We address, stuff and send direct mail pieces as well as manage mailing databases. One Step Services a one stop shop for all your print marketing needs.