Olympic High School provides an alternative education that includes standards-based curriculum, intensive guidance/counseling and project-based learning. Students are tended to individually and have a significant support system of educators. They are instructed to take many elective courses prior to graduation.
The "Olympic CARES" acronym, which in part defines the school, stands for "Communicators, Analytical Thinkers, Responsible Individuals, Ethical Citizens and Scholars."
The school's curriculum includes the following (some subjects have multiple courses): 20th-Century History in Film; Advanced Art; Algebra; APEX Learning French; APEX Learning; Art Foundation; Biological Science; CAHSEE Math; Career Exploration; Consumer Math; Counseling; Creative Writing; Criminal Justice; Digital Design; Drama; Drums; Economics; English; Essentials for Algebra; Geometry; Government; Guitar; Healthy Living; Intensive Literacy Support; K9; PAL Digital Design; PAL Fitness; Photography; Physical Education; Physical Science; Science Elective; Sober Living; Statistics; Teacher Assistant; Tutorial; US History; Venice Arts Photography; Work Experience ROP; and World History.
The student body is 58 percent Latino, 26 percent white and 12 percent black.
Olympic High School is currently undergoing construction but remains open.