Oficina Intergrupal Hispana del Sur de Orange de AA is a voluntary community of over 2,000,000 members worldwide who come together to maintain sobriety and help others recover from alcoholism. They provide a supportive environment for individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope in overcoming their common problem. With no affiliation to any sect, religion, political party, or organization, their primary goal is to stay sober and assist other alcoholics in achieving sobriety.
They offer a range of services and resources, including group meetings, literature, and support for individuals seeking to overcome alcohol addiction. Through their mutual support and shared experiences, they aim to provide a path towards recovery and a sober lifestyle. With a focus on maintaining sobriety and helping others, Oficina Intergrupal Hispana del Sur de Orange de AA is a valuable resource for those seeking support in their journey towards a life free from alcohol dependency.
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