The Foursquare movement started in the 1920's in the midst of a great revival! There where so many people getting healed, touched by God and saved that churches began to spring up all over. One of the early plants was here in Vallejo. We have been serving our community, missions, youth, adults and meeting needs ever since.
NorthBay Foursquare is a joyful community of believers in Jesus Christ. We are a charismatic church and part of the international Foursquare movement of over 100,000 churches. Our passion is the presence and our focus is strong, healthy followers of Jesus. We love God and love people! Everyone deserves and encounter with the Father heart of God and to grow in Christ. Come experience God, great worship, healing, teaching and wonderful people! The Foursquare Church is a pentecostal movement sharing Jesus Christ the Savior, Healer, Baptizer with Holy Spirit and Soon coming King!