Nimmer Pictures, based in Carpinteria, CA, is a renowned film production company with over four decades of experience in creating compelling film and video projects. Led by Larry Nimmer, an Emmy-nominated producer, director, writer, cameraman, and editor, Nimmer Pictures has worked with prestigious clients such as MTV, CBS, and the State of California, as well as renowned personalities like Michael Jackson. With a diverse portfolio that includes TV news, documentaries, and educational programming, Nimmer Pictures offers a platform for individuals to express themselves through the power of visual storytelling.
The company also provides a unique Kids Game Show Package, designed for after-school staff, which offers a turnkey solution for running engaging game shows. Complete with software, a step-by-step script, trivia questions for different age groups, curated video content, props, and training videos, the package offers over 25 different games to choose from, providing a year's worth of monthly programs. With technical support included, Nimmer Pictures ensures a seamless experience for those looking to bring fun and interactive game shows to children.
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