My Second home daycare is a place for children to laugh, play, develop language skills and grow as individuals. This also could also be ideal for a child who wants to be slowly intergrated into daycare, maybe the child is not ready for a big groups yet, and need extra attenton. We provide an environment with a clean surrounding for them to develop gross motor skills, fine motor skills and communication skills while having fun through activities and experiences that support a healthy early childhood development. I am very loving, dependable and and trustworthy. As a mom myself I understand how important it is to find the rigth person to watch your little one's while you are away. I will provide that home away from home feel for your child. My kids are very well behaved and sweet and would love to make some new friends Your child will be learning a second language and will be ready for prekinder and I love to teaching the best for your child. I wil provided organics home meals
I am very loving, dependable and trustworthy. As a mom myself, I understand how important it is to find the right person to watch your little one's while you are away. I will provide that home away from home feel for your child. My kids are very well behaved, sweet and would love to make some new friends. Your child will be learning a second language (Spanish) and will be ready for preschool and I love to teach the best for your child. I provided hot and homemade meals