Begin in England sponsored by the Royal Academy of Music in response to musicians' and dancers' injury and discomfort. Moved to California in 2014. There are now two offices, one inside of Miller Family Health in Arcadia, and the other in a private studio in North Hollywood (Valley Village).
Musician Bodywork (MSBW) works especially well with people who use their bodies for their jobs in a big way. Using myofascial release and deep mobilization, a session's goal is to resolve injuries before and after they occur and to restore flexibility, range of motion, and comfort. Instrumentalists, singers, dancers, actors, and other bodyworkers make up MSBW's most typical clientele. While relaxation massage is not offered, myofascial release is as slow as it is deep, therefore less jarring than many sports therapy techniques, and also long lasting. Being a violinist herself, Jenni (owner of MSBW) knows the challenges many of her performing artist clients face, and therefore is able to inform her clients and other bodyworkers how to address their pain and dysfunction. MSBW is an important gap filler between a performing artist and a doctor.