Mostly Saxes is a renowned all-saxophone ensemble based in Santa Clarita, CA. Directed by Kathleen Maxwell, the group consists of talented saxophone students, teachers, and professional players who come together annually to perform a diverse range of music, including marches, ragtime, swing, classical, and folk tunes. With a history spanning 16 years, Mostly Saxes has become a vital mentoring group for saxophonists in the area, offering auditions and workshops for junior high and high school students, college students, adult hobbyists, and seasoned professionals.
Under the guidance of Kathleen Maxwell, Mostly Saxes has revived the tradition of large saxophone bands, which were popular during the early 20th century. The group's dedication to historical saxophone performance and the creation of new and demanding music has attracted composers and musicians alike. With auditions held in May and June, Mostly Saxes continues to provide a platform for saxophonists to showcase their talent and passion for this unique instrument.
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